FluidVLE L34

Created Dienstag 16 Juni 2015

where the blue marked variables may be activated by setting the Boolean variable showExpertSummary to true (usually located in the parameter tab "Summary and Visualisation")

Notes: This is the vectorized version of FluidVLE L2 featuring -sized vectors of all relevant variables characterising the fluid in a L3 and L4 control volume. Its content might be addressed in the different applying models with slightly different nomenclature which was done to be more readable in different contexts but also to be as brief as possible.

Backlinks: ClaRa:Basics:ControlVolumes:FluidVolumes:VolumeVLEGas L3 ClaRa:Basics:ControlVolumes:FluidVolumes:VolumeVLE L2 ClaRa:Basics:ControlVolumes:FluidVolumes:VolumeVLE L3 TwoZones ClaRa:Basics:ControlVolumes:FluidVolumes:VolumeVLE L3 TwoZonesNPort